Yoga Class 2021 – Standing Balance Shoulders Inversions

The Yoga props you will need for this remote class include a mat, two blocks (or one block and a similar-sized item), and a belt or similar.

Please note that the Yoga videos are not “real-time” in terms of duration for holding the poses, but simply meant to show the basic movements into, within, and out of each pose.

Core Exercises – Warm Up 3 x through

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Lunge – Equestrian Pose), hold for 3 complete breaths in each position

From kneeling or Hero Pose, Bring the right foot forward to the front of the mat directly between your hands (can use blocks to support/ raise the height of the hands if needed). Hands under the shoulders. Be sure the right knee stays over the ankle, keeping the shin vertical. Step the left foot to the back of the mat, allowing that knee to rest on the floor (and on a blanket or towel if needed). Experience the position with the toes of the back foot untucked (top of the foot on the floor, toes pointing back), then tuck the toes and keeping the back knee on the floor, press the heel back. Shift the hips slightly forward and draw up through the mid-chest. Next step (optional) is to take the hands up onto the forward knee to deepen the pose. Next step (optional) is to raise the arms up with the hands facing in toward the mid-line, externally rotating the shoulders, while releasing the hips downward. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Inhale to release and repeat on the second side.

Key actions:

  • Forward knee remains over the forward ankle throughout. 
  • Back foot toes tucked under, keeping the knee on the floor, press the heel back.
  • Externally rotate the shoulders and open the chest

Bird Dog

Bird Dog x 10

Dead Bug

Dead Bug x 10

Salabasana (Locust Pose variation)


Locust Back Extension with Arm Actions x 5

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) – hold for 5 full breaths

Hold for 5 conscious breaths while working with awareness and actions from the feet up to the crown of the head.

Key actions:

  • Spread, well-connected feet
  • Legs active, thighs inwardly rotated
  • Spine long, chest open, neck relaxed
  • Shoulders “un-shrugged”

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Arm Variations (2x through)

Inhale and extend arms overhead, interlace fingers above head and rotate palms up.

Exhale to release arms down.

Inhale and interlace fingers behind your back, then exhale and role the shoulders back, extending the arms behind.

Key actions:

  • Move arms with the breath
  • Keep the jaw, throat and neck relaxed

Vrksasana (Tree Pose) – 2x through both sides, hold for 3-5 complete breaths

Begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Bend the right knee and draw the heel as high up the inner left thigh as possible. Grounding the standing leg thigh and as you press the sole of the right foot against the inner left thigh, press the thigh into the foot. Externally rotate the bent knee thigh. Bring hands into Namaskar (Prayer), then extend arms upward toward the sky, shoulders externally rotated, palms facing each other. Bring hands back to Prayer. Come back to Mounatin pose and repeat on the second side.

This pose can be done close to a wall for support if desired.

Key actions:

  • Straight leg thigh grounded and pressed firmly against sole of foot
  • Bent leg thigh externally rotates, pressing foot firmly into straight leg thigh.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) – 2x through both sides, hold for 3-5 complete breaths

From Mountain Pose, step the feet wide, right foot turns out 90 deg, left heel out slightly. Right heel lines up with arch of left foot. Align legs, externally rotating the thighs, keeping all corners of the feet connected. Inhale and raise arms to shoulder height, exhale, shift the hips to the left and extend to the right, bringing the right hand down and extending left arm up. Elongate both sides of the torso.

Key actions:

  • Legs active, thighs rotate outward, drawing upward from the feet through the legs to the hips. 
  • Lengthen the lower waist and ribs.
  • Externally rotate the shoulders
  • Neck and jaw relaxed

Prasarita Padottanasana (Spread Foot Forward Bend), hold for 5-10 complete breaths

From Mountain Pose, step the feet wide apart, turning the toes in slightly to align the outer edge of the feet with the ends of the mat. Exhale and hinge from the hips, placing the hands down directly beneath the shoulders (variations with blocks shown in video). Maintain a slightly concave spine. If no low back issues, stack blocks to support the crown of the head and exhale, releasing the head, neck and torso downward, resting the head on the block(s). Hold for 3-5 full breaths. To come out, bring the torso back to neutral spine, strong legs and inhale to come up. Step the feet back together into Mountain.

Key actions:

  • Legs active, drawing upward from the arches of the feet through the hips. 
  • Feet well-connected to the floor, even when bent forward.
  • When placing the head on block, maintain same weight on feet and avoid leaning forward or placing weight through the head.

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose Variations) – 2x through both sides on each variation

Lying on your back, take the right leg up with a belt. Extend both legs, reaching through the heels, both arms straight as well. Repeat on second side.

Variations II and III: Belt the foot from inner ankle around outer heel to help externally rotate the leg and while grounding the left thigh, exhale and take the right leg to the right. Rest the foot on something, if not the floor. Continue to extend and externally rotate the leg. Inhale to bring the leg back up and switch hands to bring the leg across the body. Rest the backs of the shoulders on the floor and extend through the belted leg. Inhale to bring the leg back up and repeat on second side.

Key actions:

  • For variations II and III, belted leg is externally rotated.
  • For variation III (twist), both thighs grounded)
  • All arms and legs extended throughout.

Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) – 2x through both sides, hold for 3-5 complete breaths

From Mountain Pose variation at the end of the mat with a block between your feet, step the left foot straight back, slightly shorter stance than regular triangle, with the back foot angled at least 45-60 deg to avoid twisting the knee. Square the hips and shoulders, exhale and bend forward, placing the left hand on the block and palm or right hand on the sacrum. Engage back legs strongly, pressing the heel into the floor, exhale and rotate torso to the right, extending right arm up if shoulder mobility allows (otherwise keep hand at sacrum). Keep back leg strong throughout. Inhale to untwist and come up. Step back foot forward and repeat on second side.

Key actions:

  • Back leg straight, strong, pressing foot into the floor.
  • Draw forward hip back.
  • Externally rotate the shoulders
  • Neck and jaw relaxed

Supta Dandasana (Reclining Staff Pose), hold main pose for 10 breaths, arm variations 3-5 breaths each

Place one block under thoracic spine (upper-mid back) and a slightly taller block under the head. The video shows two block orientation options.

Lie back and take the arms away from your sides turning the palms up, allowing the shoulders to roll back. Release into this position for 10 full breaths. This is the restorative and calming variation.

To progress to the more active variations, activate the legs by elongating through the heels, grounding and internally rotating the thighs. Then lower the block supporting the head to the same height as the thoracic block. Extend the arms up, press your open palms together and extend the arms beyond the head. Hold for 5 full breaths, then fold the arms and release them back and down. Hold for 3-5 breaths, then repeat changing the fold of the arms. To progress to a deeper variation (as shown in the video), lower the head block or remove it. Add the arm actions again.

To come out of the pose, replace the head block to its original height, bend a knee, press your arms into the floor and slowly sit up.

Key actions:

  • Externally rotate the shoulders.
  • Legs active, thighs rotate inward, ground the thighs and extend through the soles and heels of the feet. 
  • Keep the face passive, especially the jaw when adding arm variations.

Supta Dandasana Variation – Tall Blocks (Reclining Staff Pose), hold for 3-10 complete breaths in each position

Orient the blocks in their narrow and tallest position, with one block under thoracic spine (upper-mid back) and the other block under the head. The video shows two block orientation options. If the thoracic block is too tall to complete the pose, place a blanket or similar under the hips. Then raise the height of the head block by at least the same amount.

With the knees bent, lie back on the thoracic block and rest the head on the other block. There should be no strain on the neck, or the head block needs to be supported higher. Straighten the legs extending through the heels, ground and internally rotate the thighs.

Extend the arms up with open palms facing each other at shoulder width, then extend the arms back beyond the head. Hold for 3-10 full breaths, then release the arms. To progress to the deeper variation (optional), with the arms extended back, bend the elbows and press the open hands against the sides of the head block, then remove it from underneath the head, extending it back and toward the floor. Avoid grasping the block with your fingers, but rather press open, extended palms against it, allowing the shoulders to externally rotate. Hold for 3-5 breaths, then replace the block under the head, release the arms away from your sides, palms up, and receive that position for at least 2-3 breaths, still maintaining the leg actions.

To come out of the pose, bend a knee, inhale and press your hands into the floor and slowly come up.

Key actions:

  • Externally rotate the shoulders.
  • Legs active, thighs rotate inward, ground the thighs and extend through the soles and heels of the feet. 
  • Keep the face passive, especially the jaw when adding arm variations.

Ahdo Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), hold for 3-10 complete breaths

Come down to your hands and knees, place the hands at the front of the mat slightly wider than the shoulders and with the wrists aligned and equally long on both sides, spreading the fingers and thumbs widely apart. Externally rotate the shoulders and press all the knuckles of the hands equally into the floor.  With the feet hip-width, tuck the toes, exhale and raise the hips up, initially keeping the knees slightly bent. Draw the torso back toward the thighs, then exhale to straighten the legs and press the heels toward the floor. You can alternate bending one knee at a time to work on ankle/ calf flexibility. Ground and internally rotate the thighs, pressing the upper thighs back. Keep the shoulders rolled out and the hands pressed evenly down across the knuckles. Relax the neck and let the head drop. Place a block between the head and the floor.

Key actions:

  • Shoulders externally rotated.
  • Base of thumb and index finger pressed downward.
  • Thighs grounded and internally rotated.
  • Relax the neck and let the head rest on support

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose), hold for 5-10 complete breaths, repeat 2x

Lying on your back, bend the knees and bring the feet under the knees. Hips, knees and feet all line up to the same width and should not change. Be sure to keep the knees at this width throughout, and keep the feet pressed evenly into the floor. Inhale to lift the pelvis up, inwardly rotating the thighs. Interlace the fingers underneath you and roll the shoulders under you as well. Place a block either at its intermediate height and wide, or tall and narrow underneath the sacrum. Be sure the block does not come in contact with your lumbar spine (low back). Hold for 5 full breaths. To come out, inhale to lift the pelvis up, remove the block and exhale to release the hips back down to the floor. Stay in that position for at least 2 full breaths before rolling to your right side and coming back up sideways.

Key actions:

  • Thighs rotate inward, feet well connected and evenly weighted, knees remain at hip width.
  • Externally rotate at the shoulders underneath you.

Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), hold for 10-20 complete breaths

First, set up your blankets as shown in the images below. Use 3 or 4 blankets to provide an even, firm edge that is 5-6 inches from the floor. Place the stack of blankets 6-10 inches from the wall (see video). Sit sideways on the blanket stack and roll your torso and shoulders onto the blankets with your buttocks an feet at the wall, knees bent. Be sure your shoulders stay on the blankets and head on the floor. ALWAYS use some support/ height for the shoulders in shoulderstand, or you can injure your cervical spine.


Bring your feet up the wall a bit so that you come to a vertical version of bridge pose. Your knees should be at a 90 degree angle, so you may need to come down and adjust the blanket stack distance from the wall. At this point DO NOT turn your head. The cervical spine is in deep flexion and rotating it can result in  injury. Interlace your fingers underneath, rolling your shoulders under, then press the elbows down into the mat/ blankets and bring your open palms to your back, fingers pointing upward toward your knees.

Take 2-3 full breaths, then raise one leg up, keeping the thighs parallel. Place that foot back to the wall and repeat with the second leg. Then add both legs if appropriate. If you find your hips collapse toward the wall, go back to the bent knee vertical bridge, adjust your shoulders and arms and try again. You can also straighten the legs with the heels up the wall as a variation to reduce the balance component.  Hold the pose for 10-20 full breaths.

To come down, bend the knees, feet back to the wall and lower your hips back down onto the blankets. Pressing your feet into the wall, push your torso straight back only until the shoulders come in contact with the floor. Then fold the legs and rest for 2-3 breaths, repeating with the alternate leg cross. Uncross the legs, roll to your right side and slowly come up sideways.

Please note: Inversions should not be practiced if you have a tension headache or migraine, women during menstruation, or if you have very high or very low blood pressure. In these instances, do the Setu Bandha Variation with a bolster or two blankets and a block as demonstrated in the video below.

Key actions when in full shoulderstand:

  • Thighs rotate inward, extend through the soles of the feet.
  • Tighten the buttocks and tuck in the tailbone.
  • Externally rotate the shoulders, keeping the elbows as close to shoulder width as possible.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge), hold for 10-30 complete breaths

Lying on your back, bend the knees and bring the feet under the knees. Hips, knees and feet all line up to the same width and should not change. Be sure to keep the knees at this width throughout, and keep the feet pressed evenly into the floor. Check the distance to the block placed at the wall (see video). Inhale to lift the pelvis up, inwardly rotating the thighs. Interlace the fingers underneath you and roll the shoulders under you as well. Place a block either at its intermediate height and wide, or tall and narrow underneath the sacrum. Be sure the block does not come in contact with your lumbar spine (low back). Then place the feet on the block at the wall and press the soles of the feet into the wall, keeping the thighs rolled inward.

Hold for 10-20 full breaths. To come out, bend the knees and place the feet on the floor. Then inhale to lift the pelvis up, remove the block and exhale to release the hips back down to the floor. Stay in that position for at least 2 full breaths before rolling to your right side and coming back up sideways.

Key actions:

  • Thighs rotate inward, feet pressing firmly into the wall.
  • Externally rotate at the shoulders underneath you.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge) variation with bolster/ blankets, hold for 5-10 min

Fold a blanket into the size and shape of a bolster. Have a block or prop of similar height to support the feet at the wall. Sit at the end of the “bolster” closest to the wall and lie back until the shoulders barely touch the floor. Place the feet in the block and holding the bolster/ blanket, push the feet into the wall until the legs are straight and the shoulders come into contact with the floor. The bolster should open the chest, but allow the back of the neck to lengthen so that the mid chest comes closer to the chin, and vice versa. Take the arms ~45 degrees away from the torso, palms up, allowing the shoulders to roll externally into the floor. Hold for 5-10 min. To come out, bend the knees and place the feet on the floor. Then inhale to lift the pelvis up, remove the bolster/ blanket and exhale to release the hips back down to the floor. Stay in that position for at least 2 full breaths before rolling to your right side and coming back up sideways.

Key actions:

  • Shoulders roll back into the floor.
  • Chest lifted by the bolster, let the back of the neck lengthen, chin and chest closer together.

Savasana (Corpse Pose), hold for 5-10 min

Lie back on your mat with the head supported slightly on a blanket. A rolled blanket or bolster can support the knees if the low back is tight or uncomfortable in order to passively ground the thighs. And eyebag or similar works well to minimize brain stimulation. Arms away from your sides, palms facing up, shoulder roll back. Allow the legs to roll out as well. Let all your weight to sink into the floor. Relax the jaw, throat, tongue and eyes, letting the muscles of the face become soft. Hold for 5 minutes or more.

To come out, bend your knees and roll to your right side, keeping the eyes closed. Come up sideways, raising the head up last. Go slowly and come to a seated position. Hands in namaskar (prayer), tilt the chin toward your chest and take 2-3 conscious breaths. Bring the head back to neutral and slowly open your eyes.

Key actions:

  • Relax and receive.
  • Breathe.

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